Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hi Gary Below is a copy of a email I sent To te ACLU and
wxyz.Keep this
Leslie Williams
Hi Steve below is a copy of a email I sent to Ms Moss Director Of Detroit's ACLU-
Read it And Keep it I got these it'it's trying to contain this situation on a literal daily basis-How do you get cock roaches out of te wood work you smoke them out-JUSt Carefully read what I send You EVerything Leslie Williams
Hello Ms Moss-Below is a copy of a email I sent to Gary miiles on the 22'nd of October 2007-It clearly show's tat I left a letter at the front desk of the detroit new's on the 28'th of September 2007-On the 28th I left a detailed letter-stating what the people who tortured me wheir currently doing and where-it showed a list of location wheir I was pitching my tent at night's in relation to specific upcoming date's "Which were calender date's for October.I also mentioned how the people who tortured me wait until after I pitch my tent and get in it-and after I get in my tent they start their verbal dialog game's desighned to provoke intense emotion's -the vehichle of these game's is done thru the sense of hearing but without me being able to see them-this is done along with the nature of teh dialog to stress me out mentally emotionally to activate PAW"See Below"in turn PAW is activated I go to a motel-wheir in which they follow me to see which one I go to-they rent rooms on both side's then play the same games outside my door to keep me paranoid-this in turn cause's extreme stress which in turn cycle's the obsession to keep using because the stress cause's you to crash hard.They know this they know all about addiction and the mental obssession-it's wheir I met them AA-See here's the Thing MS Moss-I have proof-but the reason Im sending this information to you today is a coorelation of event's for you to notice-the letter I spoke about above-Also included in the letter was other behavior's they engaged in like staging incident's wheir they provoke a argumnet at a bus stop-1 of them will literally walk up to me start some bullshit conversation and then lead the dialog into a argument that is laced with verbal que's that they engaged in wheir I pitch my tent at"after I get in it"
This is done to let me know it's them then they try and escalte the verbal attack's at the bus stop to keep me provoked-then as the thrmometer of the event get's more heated they take off-than with usually 1-2 minute's a cop card ride's by me real slow-They did this in taylor and wayne-they were looking for a reason to petion me to discredit me and protect them from fute litigation-
I mentioned the incident that happened in Wyane wheir teh wayne police conviently cruised by me very very slow after the incident in which no one saw-they were hoping I'd stop them and say yeah these people that are stalking me are constantly harrassing me-then they'd ask for detail's and interrupt alot to distract my train of thought because they are aware I have adhd-they did this in taylor and dearborn-the goal is to petion me under the theme "subject feel's she's being followed by people with no name."

Then I get sent to heritage whier I was given a bullshit diagnosis before anyone spoke to me and my behavior was totally 100% normal.This is done to discredit me and protect them in future litigation in reference to them not doing anything about the torure after it was reported-Soafter writing this in the letter about the incident in Wayne Michigan and delivering it to Detroit Free Press and WDIV-I gave that letter to a security gaurd'"in which at that time as I walked back behind WDIV going back toward Michigan Ave approaching the federal Building whier the FBI office's are, a plain clothe's police man was coming around from the area the security gaurd had come from, before I saw him and gave hime the letter----to give to Jim kietzner WDIV Investigative Reporter ,after the cop seen me see him he got on his hand held radio,right in front of me.I then proceeded to walk towrd's Michigan Ave asking people along my route if they knew were Ms Worthy's office was:,1 black lady who approached me as I was walking toward's a corner asked me were I was going i told her I was looking for Ms Worthy's office,she wasked me WHY-I declined to tell her...
So when I got to Ms Worthy' at the front desk inquired why i wanted to go see Ms Worthy,i told them it was to speak with her about my friend being tortured in Dearborn Mi and that the police whould'nt do anything about it after it was reported to them,they then procedded to tell me that I could'nt see her without a appointment but then procedded to tell me that I could go upstair's to make one they directed me to the forfeiture's office.
So i went upstairs to the office they directed me to and inquired about making a appointment to see Ms Worthy,they told me I could go dierectly to her office to make the appointment...they told me wheir it was,i then proceeded to her office,and approached the secretary's desk,after i told the secretary why i was their she asked i regard's to what I told her to discuss with Ms Worthy about my freind being tortured in Dearborn Mi,and that the Police have not done 1 thing about it after it was reported to them,she then procedded to tell me that a complaint need's to first be filed with the state police they do a investigation and if they belive a crim has been committed they forward what they accumulate to Ms Worthy,i then told her i dont trust the police anymore:this is when a woman who was in the office started explaining to me how the procedure's are ,and that going to the state police was the procedure I asked her who she was,she told me she worked in the forfieture's office..i said well Im not comfortable with goin to the state police because they already illegally petitioned my friend into a phychiatrict ward when she tryed to reach out thru the taylor police: she said welp their's no other way really except maybe goin to the Detroit Free Press or WDIV/(((Both Place's I just left)))what a coincidence((FootnoteWhen This lady entered the conversation I was having with the secrtary -she was being helped by two african American men as she was trying to direct me to the State Police/their help was thru comment's they kept making about the torture and that it should be reported))they were tagteaming me/they knew were I was headed they knew I had sent Ms Worthy email's Letters and faxe's,and a forfeiture guy approached me at U of M when I asked the reference guy to help me find Ms Worthy 's website on the internet at the University of Michigan Dearborn,after he sucked me into conversation about why i wanted Ms Wotrthy's information that maybe he could help me because he worked in the same building in the forfeiture office and that his dad was dean of Wayne state.He than had me make a statement on his cell phone metioning 1 of the perpettrator's name/2 day's later he showed up at 3 buisneses i went to/on the same morning kroger's/staple's and the bus stop in west dearborn it was a sunday.
so after I told the lady in Ms Worthy's office that I'll think about goin to the state police I proceeded to leave the office at that time as I opened the door a state police officer walked thru it in uniform,he was african american.
This was done to try and petuion me again Because
I emailed and sent 3 certified letter's to Ms Worthy telling her of the torture last october 2006-And she not only did nothing about what had already happened but continued to let it happen.Now-How coincidental can that be-the police alway's seem to be their after they associate themselve's along my daily routine's,believing I'll reach out for help.

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