Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Crimminal Solicitation Predicted

These are todays blogs posted on detroitfreepress and wxyz blog local
under taxpayer777
Everyone who can read-This was posted by a concerned citizen in reference to what I heard someone experienced.If you read this please Contact Ms Moss for her she asked me to do this for her:Ms Moss ACLU dirctor of the Wayne Mi Chapter of the ACLU-for this victim who is not goin away. read these blogs from the bottom up
wrote: Taxpayer777 wrote:
The Victim just went and had lunch before she left the Library wheir she is at using the internet in Ann Arbor"which Library" she went to the bathroom to set up her tape recorder to rewind it and to record that she wass in the library getting ready to leave to go have lunch-see the victim know's their pattern's of intimidation and harrassment so she deliberatly make's sure she frequents the same place so they'll try their method's their"1 of their method's is to monitor her routines and get their ahead of time if they have a prettty good idea wheir she's goin -in her timeline she had stated many time's they play game's right outside the bathroom door practically everytime she uses the bathroom I suspect some of these perpetrator's are deliberatly stationed at computer's the city controls so when she goe's to the bathroom they dont even have to leave their seat to egage in verbal cue's in their conversation just load enough for the victim to hear or they come around after she goes in as a result of 1 of them text messageing what Im about to do-"She has their cues on tape and right know they are desperate like you whould'nt belive to get ahold of what she has" see U of M staff in Dearborn crimminally solicted the victim in the crime of torture:they aided and abbedded the original perpetrator's the dearborn police and another party and U of M Ann Arbor their image is connected to U of M dearborn That's why the Ann Arbor Police the city employee's of Ann Arbor library staff their doing everyting they can to assist each other in stging event's so the victim can be contained 1 way or another or set up in a area wheir a staged assualt and robbery occur's they are literally all over her-so while in the bathroom when she was breifing her tape recorder of wheir she was goin they heard it or the bathroom is taped"belive it or not"and when the victim said wheir she was going they got ahead of her and visually tried to suck her into a confortation by pretending to of already of been their for awahile by paying their check and when they got up to do it 1 of them deliberatly waved their arm's stretched out to get her attention hoping for eye contact and hoping that she whould say something so the owner who was more than likely lied to can call the police or kick her out-they used their arm's because they know I have a tape recorder-the black girl did the same thing 2 day's ago when they tried to solicit a altercation her she kept walking by me giving direct dirty look's while the security gaurd was right their to lie about he whole situation-they goal is to associate themselves physically and hope I'll react or literally start a altercation like on the elevator or bathroom wheir their is no witness than the security gaurd here's a bullshit story he's prepared to hear and the victim is either arrested so the police can erase the tape's she's carrying or bann her from the library wheir she using the internet for this purpose-I highly suspect the Govenors Office and Ms Worthy's office is calling he shot's here because the victim reported being tortured to both of them-Please contact The Director of the ACLU with this story It is very possible since their monitoring my internet activitie's that thay are intercepting the victim's emails to her.They brought a female weight lifter into the library today and they are purposly having loud conversations with her associating themselves to her as a visual intimidation que.This victim will not stop goin after them no matter what they do or say they brought his on themselve's and after you have been tortured repeatibly you get to the point whier you just say hey I dont care what you do to me anymore Im striking back 5/1/2008 3:54 PM EDT on Report Abuse wrote: Taxpayer777 wrote:
So Michigan Taxpayers-what do we think of Ms Worthy-I heard a rumor around town that she concealed a woman being tortured in Dearborn by the Dearborn police/do you think she'll denie it/I wonder who else is attached to the cover up of this rumor do you think they will lie/I wonder I also,because I heard all of the victim's internet activitie's were being monitored by the police agencie's that aided and abbedded the perpetrator's'so they can use this tool as a giudeline on how to intercept her activitie's in bringing this eventually to the public's attention, part of the rumor is, is that she's using the internet at Public Librarie's and at U of M in Dearborn to try and complete the timeline of torture the intimidation and harrassment of the Police Department's in these district and city's she frequent's,and that she brought what happened to the Govenor's attention 6 time through the Michigan .gov website and her intimidation and harrassment by the Police and City employees at the Library's, she's using the inetrnet to send email's to Ms Moss at the AClU in Detroit-and Steave Wilson channel 7 from these public Librarie's-I was told their all over her everywheir she goe's and that their even trying to intimidate her thru using employee's of buisness's she frequent's everyother day for essential's so she wont be able to use these buisness for her need's so she'll have to take the bus to a bad area wheir the crime rate is higher so they can stage event's of assualt,stage witnesses who call the police so they have a excuse to intervene the victim is then arrested and her audio tape's that have incident's of provacation of the perpetrator's are altered and the victims proof is compromised.This rumor I heard detail's the victim has proof and that her email's requestingh help from the ACLU and Steave Wilson have probably been intercepted/I was also told that her email accounts keep mysteriously keep frezzing and locking up at these librarie's,I heard also they have tried to stage event's at these librarie's through the city's she using the internet at them are so they can tell her she's banned and as a result the timeline of torture she's completeing thru yahoo email cannot be completed/and so furthur email's to MS Moss and Steave Wilson won't have to be intercepted and so that the victim wont be able to send them-THis is what I heard-And since I was told the victim's carrying proof of the torture I belive it

Worthy, who now knows that you must have your entire house in order before cleaning someone else's, has been castigated by defense attorneys because one of her assistant prosecutors is accused of assisting perjury in a drug case.
And a complaint has been filed against Worthy herself, with allegations that she helped cover up her assistant's actions. Worthy said she had to decline comment on the perjury allegations within her office until all investigations into the case are complete.
The media also have reported on Worthy's tax problems, and Worthy has acknowledged she incurred a liability in 2004 as she funded her run for prosecutor. And in the meantime, attorneys across metro Detroit are making a killing off the scandal. 5/1/2008 1:51 PM EDT on Report Abuse
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